A Fleurty Guide To Stuff To Do In New Orleans

 | By Windi Sebren
The Fleurty Girls tell us their favorite things to do in NOLA!

There’s loads of stuff to do in New Orleans but how do you decide, especially if you’re just visiting and have a limited amount of time for seeing the sights? Below are some suggestions from Fleurty Girl employees. BONUS: a lot of these things to do don’t cost a penny!

Sarah from our shop in Mandeville says she likes “walking around Jackson Square to look at all the art by local artists and watching the street performers! You never know what you'll find!”

Sherri from our French Quarter location likes “stoop sitting. I love people watching and meeting new people, finding out where they're from.”

Tanya from our Old Gretna shop likes “a long stroll on Royal St. on a Saturday afternoon. Stopping to partake in the musical talents along the way. From jazz, to swing & violinists striking out rock tunes upon their strings. It’s a feast for the ears and food for the soul.”

Celeste at Fleurty HQ says her favorite is “a ride on the St. Charles streetcar line. From Canal Street to Carrollton Avenue to take in all the differences in the cityscape on that route. Bustling downtown, beautiful Garden District homes and then the colleges uptown. Shows the city’s diversity and the ride is fun by itself.”

Danielle from our Mandeville shop enjoys “dancing in the streets! Walking around old cemeteries, riding on the streetcars, and going to all the lil shops.”

Juliet from our Magazine location prefers “ghost tours and tarot card readings. Our city has such a unique cultural background and blending of spiritualities and beliefs. It's fun (and educational) to take advantage of that.”

Also from our Magazine shop, Cree loves “riding the ferry on foot! I love going to the aquarium or walking along the river, but the best part is that the ferry is right there. Something about looking over the edge, spreading my arms out, and pretending to be Rose over that muddy Mississippi really makes for a great day!”

Michelle, our inventory manager at headquarters, says “I love City Park. Not only is it a beautiful place, but there is so much to do! Sometimes it's a trip to the playground area with family, a relaxing train ride though the park, or a visit to NOMA. You can people watch and listen to music while enjoying some beignets and cafe au lait at Morning Call. You can swing on the big wooden swings, fly a kite, or play catch at the Great Lawn. There's also City Putt if you're in the mood for mini golf, or the amusement park if you're looking for something a little more exciting. One of my favorite activities is walking through the Besthoff Sculpture Garden. City Park is a cool place no matter who you are with or what your budget is.”

And lastly, Lauren, Big Chief of Fleurty Girl, says she prefers “all the tours, from cocktail tours to haunted pub crawls. There are so many!”

What’s your favorite thing to do in New Orleans? Leave a comment and let us know!

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